
Dr. Irma Thesleff (FIN) – FOK, 2008. június 7.

Dr. Irma Thesleff, a finnországi Helsinki Egyetem professzorának díszdoktori avatása a Debreceni Egyetemen 2008. június 7.


Professor Irma Thesleff graduated as a dentist. She received a Ph.D. in the field of developmental biology from the University of Helsinki. She is chairperson and research director of the Developmental Biology Programme, which is one of the major Centres of Excellence of the Academy of Finland, located in the Institute of Biotechnology of the University of Helsinki.
Professor Thesleff is a world authority on the development of teeth, craniofacial bones and other structures that arise from ectoderm, such as hair and exocrine glands. She has published over 250 original scientific articles. Professor Thesleff is an EMBO member since 2000 and editorial board member in many high ranking international scientific journals. Professor Thesleff is a frequently invited speaker and chairperson in international meetings. In recognition of her many achievements, Professor Thesleff has been honoured with a number of major awards, and she has been awarded honorary doctorates from several universities. Dr. Thesleff supervised 15 Ph.D. theses. Postdoctoral fellows from many countries, including Hungary, have spent 1-3 years in her laboratory as well.
The Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Debrecen has a long fruitful collaboration with Professor Irma Thesleff. Based on the already existing collaboration, the main goal of the further cooperation is the analysis of the molecules involved in stem cell maintenance and differentiation of the different organs, including the oral structures. The widening cooperation will have a major impact on the research activity of the Dental Faculty and may facilitate the efforts in order to achieve the planned scientific goals in the forthcoming years.





Frissítés dátuma: 2017.08.15.

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