
Dr. Natan M. Bornstein (IL) - ÁOK, 2011. június 4.

Professor Natan M. Bornstein is vice-president of the World Stroke Organisation, the Mediterranean Stroke Society and the Neurological Society of Israel. He   published new results about asymptomatic carotid stenosis and vasomotor reactivity of cerebral vasculature. He observed that impaired vasomotor activity is accompanied by a high risk of future ipsilateral ischemic event and this observation might be useful for selecting patients for surgery.
He also demonstrated, that patients with microembolic signal in asymptomatic carotid stenosis are in risk of stroke and this observation is also important when selecting patients for carotid surgery. He demonstrated with long term follow up of transcranial Doppler that subclavian steal syndrome is a benign phenomenon. He published important observations about the dose of   aspirin and the risk of recurrent stroke and   interesting observations on inflammatory markers and long term stroke outcome.

Professor Bornstein – visiting professor at our university – gave not only series of lectures at postgraduate teaching conferences and scientific lectures on different Hungarian courses and conferences, but also established scientific relations between Debrecen and Tel Aviv. He has supported the further career of students performing outstanding clinical research work in Debrecen after their return to Israel. Recognizing the unique scientific possibility for clinico-pathological studies in Debrecen, he sent one of his talented co-workers to Debrecen for scientific work and the common results on white matter diseases have been published in peer reviewed scientific journals.




Frissítés dátuma: 2017.08.14.

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